O1 早川石丁場群(はやかわいしちょうばぐん)
Hayakawa-ishichouba-gun (Stone Quarry Sites)
※1 カルデラ:火山にある火口(直径数十~数百m)より大きな凹地形の総称ある。成因とは無関係で、火山活動以外で形成されたものもある。通常閉じた円形であるが、一方向に開いた馬蹄形のものもある。
※2 安山岩:火山岩の一種。含まれる二酸化ケイ素の量が中程度(53~62重量%)で、カリウム、ナトリウム含有量は比較的少ないもの。
※3 溶岩流:溶岩の流れ。高温で流れているものと、流れが冷え固まったもの、両方に使う。
※4 礫 :砂より粗い(直径2㎜以上)石のこと。
During the 17th century, stones were quarried from many sites between Odawara and the Izu Peninsula to construct Edo-jo castle, located in present-day Tokyo.
Hayakawa quarry, located south of Iriuda in Odawara, is one such site. Archaeological reconstructions show that andesite(※1) blocks buried on the steep slopes of the caldera(※2)rim(※3) were dug out, cut, shaped, and transported for use as building materials. The largest stones at this site are about 1 ×1 ×3m.
※1 andsite:One of volcanic rocks. Silicon dioxide(SiO2) in this rock is medium quantity which is 53 to 62 % in weight.And this contains relatively little potassium and sodium. *patassium=karium *sodium=natrium
※2caldera:General term of negative landform which is bigger than volcanic crator which diameter is within hundreds of meters.This landform is made from any causes including volcanic movement. Its shape is normally closed circle but sometimes open horseshoe shape.
※3rim(somma):A rim or horseshoe shaped geograghical feature which is surrounding caldera. Sometimes its geographical feature is not related to volcano of caldera.